What should teachers do this week?

September 11th occurred during my first year of college and I will never forget the way my professors cleared the schedules and gave us time to sit with our emotions.

Regardless of the outcome, whether you perceive them to be favorable or not, there will be energy, feelings, and fears in the room that need to be addressed.

C.A.R.E. is something that we naturally do as educators because it is embedded in our WHY.

The way we handle this week, and the immediate days post-election, has the potential to be embedded in our students' memories forever.

Let's handle them with C.A.R.E.





Hey Teachers!

C.A.R.E. is something that we naturally do as educators because it is embedded in our WHY.

 The way we handle election news this week has the potential to be embedded

in our students' memories forever.

Let's handle them with C.A.R.E.


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