
My heart-calling is "teacher," so I have a lot to say...with love, of course. Always, through a lens of LOVE!

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The Chinese Version of Cinderella...and Diversity

Mar 23, 2021
The Chinese "Version of Cinderella" is actually one of the earliest versions, written in the 9th century. Yeh Shen, "Ye Xian," was created long...
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How to discuss the Anti-Asian hate crimes with kids

Mar 19, 2021
Kids hear, see, and internalize more than you think. There has been crisis after crisis and oftentimes, children are being spoken around without...
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3 Ways to Make Online Learning Feel like โ€œNormalโ€ School (The Good Kind)

Mar 16, 2021

This is my third pandemic and each time I had such an experience, I have tried to study my students to figure out ways to make things better for...

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Women's HERstory Month: Josephine Baker

Mar 11, 2021
When I saw a film about her as a kid, I wanted to be just like her!
1.) The world's first Black Superstar 2.) She spoke French Fluently 3.)...
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Women's HERstory Month: Henrietta Lacks

Mar 09, 2021
I'm kicking Women's history month off with a woman who we SHOULD ALL be grateful for- Henrietta Lacks!
Henrietta Lacks' cells were stolen...
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7 Songs that are Amazing for Manifesting

Mar 07, 2021
Do you use Music to Manifest?
Music is such an AMAZING way to manifest because it can raise your vibration! Yesterday, I stumbled upon...
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How to Teach Black History Beyond February

Mar 02, 2021
Thanks for spending this month with me. On our final day of what is officially Black History Month, I want to share with you my special way of...
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Make learning Black History a S.M.A.R.T. Goal

Mar 01, 2021
Make Learning Black History beyond February a S.M.A.R.T goal. Make a plan. Hold yourself accountable.
The thing is, it's easy to allow ourselves...
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Black Realstory Series: Genelle Guzman-McMillan

Feb 28, 2021
It's time to say her name.
Genelle Guzman-McMillan
Genelle Guzman-McMillan was the last survivor found during the 9/11 attacks.
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Part 2- Black History Makers- Then and Now

Feb 28, 2021
Who paved the way for you? (Part 2)
I've always taken issue with the "Who's the Greatest of all time" debates.
How dare we say that...
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